Friday, May 16, 2014

Life and Lemonade -Kat

Hello sisters!

It's been a busy week! I don't have a whole bunch of time to talk right now so I just wanted to make a brief post. Mia has been working so hard on school, she hasn't had the opportunity to write yet. I am so thankful to have a partner who takes this seriously and she has been so helpful to me. I decided to post for her this week so she doesn't have to add this to her list of stresses!

Just a few things I wanted to let you all know: my hope is to post as regularly as I can. My wish is to post Monday mornings. Mia has been posting a lot on Thursday, so I think that Monday and Thursday are the best days to catch up with us! As always, we greatly appreciate any, and every, comment! I have been running through a few ideas for future posts and I think I've decided to start a series called Character Sketches with Kat. Basically, I'd like to talk about some of the admirable people of the Bible. I know many Bible stories, but there are many I don't know well enough. My hope is that by studying these people together, we can all get to know some of the amazing people of the Bible. I'm undecided on the number of people I will outline, or who all of them will be. If you have any suggestions or any people you'd like to hear or learn more about feel free to drop us a comment in the comment box under this post or any of the Character Sketches posts.

Boy, summer is right around the corner! I can practically taste the lemonade on my lips and feel the sticky ice cream melting down my chin. As the school year comes to a close for many of us, let's keep trekking. Don't get discouraged, you're almost there!  Keep studying and working hard and try to remember that many people are really struggling right now. Send out an encouraging text message to a friend. Praying for our friends may be one of the best things we can do when they're dealing with stress. I may not know math well enough to help my friend Jed study, but I can definitely pray for him to find peace and that his hard work will be rewarded. Don't be offended if your best friend in the whole world ignores your text at 9 o'clock in the evening, she is still your best friend. As always, we (me and Mia) are so grateful for each and every one of you. Just remember who loves you. :)

(Hint: It's God. God loves you. :) )

Good luck ladies!

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